Blog & News

A new way of taxation of Freelancers

Starting in 2023, freelancers will have a new tax regime in Serbia.

Incentives for employment of foreigners and special conditions for obtaining temporary residence in Serbia

An overview of rules on provision of incentives for employment of certain categories of employees...

Obligation to report concentration in case of acquisition of assets in Serbian anti-trust law

Acquisition of assets may require approval of anti-trust authorities.

Post-termination Non-Compete Restrictions

Few considerations employers should make on post-termination non-compete restrictions in Serbia.

ESOP and the new Capital Markets Act

How does the new Capital Markets Act impact employee stock option plans?

Exchange of Information in Anti-Trust Law

In December 2021, Serbian Anti-Monopoly Commission published Guidelines for Preparation of Program of Compliance with...

Business email Address as Personal Data

Connection of email addresses and personal data protection rules is not simple.

New Copyright Fees Coming?

Will recent changes in legislation lead to new copyright fees in Serbia?

Fixed Term Employment – common mistakes

What are some of the most typical mistakes when entering fixed term employment contracts?.

Volunteering – changes and new obligations for companies

Novelities by the draft of a new law on volunteering

Organization and hierarchy in multinational companies

Manager is not employed in the same company as the employee. Is it an issue?

Serbian Competition Authority and retail price maintenance

The Serbian Competition Authority established a practice on price maintenance. What is it?
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